Coulter Property Transactions


Extractions from research by Kerri Montgomery, Autumn, 2018 and posted on Facebook under the above account

I have received instructions from Mr. Hammond Higginson (who has purchased a larger property) to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION. at my Auction Mart. Rainey Street, Magherafelt, on THURSDAY. the 18th day of SEPTEMBER. 1902. at the hour of ONE o'clock, p.m. (if not previously disposed of by private treaty) all that Farm of Land and Premises situated in the townland of Ballymoghan more, containing 22 acres, statute measure, held forever, subject to the small half yearly instalment of £1 11s 61. payable to the Irish Land Commission, with further reductions under Land Acts.
This property has a splendid situation on a leading road about two miles from Magherafelt. The land is all arable and of superior quality, having been richly manured is now in a very high state of cultivation. It is thoroughly fenced, well drained and plentifully supplied with water. There is a very substantial Dwelling house quite comfortable and in first class order. also most extensive and suitable office Houses. all in excellent repair. There is a good pump in the scullery adjoining the kitchen. yielding a never failing supply of pure spring water. Within the holding is half and acre of Turbary, very deep, and of extra good quality, that will last for many years and is most valuable.
There is also an Irish Acre of prime Meadow, and first class Flax Dams. There is a good cottier home on the Farm, let at 8d per week.
The Title to the Lands has been registered free of Equities, and all outgoings will be paid to November next.
Terms—The Purchaser to pay deposit of £50, and fees when declared.
THOMAS LARKIN, Auctioneer and Valuator Magherafelt

(Note: Hammond Higginson was Granny Coulter’s grandfather. The larger property mentioned in the advertisement at a guess is the farm at Gortagilly, Moneymore)

Cousins of the Coulters - Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 25 November 1905
Death of Mr John Purvis, Cloghog, (What was he to Jane Purvis?)
Our obituary column this week contains a notice of the demise of Mr. John Purvis. of Cloghog. who had reached the advanced age of 84 years.
Mr Purvis has for some time past been in poor health and confined to his room. but for many years he was a well known frequenter of the Cookstown markets being engaged extensively In the corn, oatmeal and grass-seed trade. The news of his death will be received with regret by his many friends'and acquaintances.Yesterday afternoon the funeral. which was very large and representative, took place from his late residence, the place of internment being Ardtrea Churchyard. Services were conducted at the house and graveside by Rev. John Entrican. B.A.
The-polished oak coffin, with brass mountings, bore the inscription:— JOHN PURVIS. died 22nd November 1905 Aged 84 Years.
The chief mourners were —Samuel Purvis (son). Samuel Purvis (brother). Andrew Irwin. James Coulter. A. Brown. A. Ferguson. Thomas Ferguson , John Coulter, R Coulter (cousins).
Amongst those present were—Rev. J. Entrican, BA.; Messrs. William Rutherford. J.P.; Samuel Anderson. J. Anderson. William Beattie, J. Beattie. W. J. McKenzie. William M'Quiston. J. Kidd. J. Artt. A. Anderson. D. Anderson. S. Kennedy. William Devlin. J. McKenzie, William Brisbane. H. Shaw. W. Porter. W. J. Ferguson. W. Harkness. A. Berkely. W. Berkeley. J. Howard. W. J. Boyd. B. Watson, B. Harkness. P. McLarnon. J. Curran. T. J. Kennedy, P. Devlin. J. Devlin. J. Doris. S McClelland, Robert Steenson. W. C. Mann. J. Gibson. J. Purvis. J. Montgomery. William McCord M Gibson. J. W. Fleming. Wm. J. Henry. A. Irwin. R. Artt. T. Leonard. J. HoggT. Rooney. T. McKay sen.; T. McKay Jnr.: S. Glasgow. s. Bryson. J. Watson. J. Allen. H. J. McKenzie. W. E. M. Allen. J. Vincent. A McVey. William Hamilton J. Geddes. R. Crane. A. Lees. J. Anderson. W. Ferguson. J. McKeown. J. Artt.
Mr. R. Steenson Cookstown supplied the coffin and had charge of the arrangements. The hearse and mourning carriage was from Messrs E M Allen & Sons. Posting Establishment, Cookstown

Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 14 December 1929
Instructions have been received from Messrs. James and Daniel Coulter (who have purchased the late Mr. Henry's Farm in Cloghog) to Sell by Public Auction, at my Office, in 11 Molesworth Street, Cookstown, on Saturday, 21st day of December, 1929, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon.
LOT I—Very valuable Freehold Farm of Land, situate in the Townland of Clare, and containing 33 Acres and 19 Perches, or thereabouts, statute measure, held in fee simple subject to the half-yearly Instalment of 25 17s 2d payable to the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland.
LOT 2—That most valuable Field of Freehold Land in the Townland of Newbuildings, containing 2a 1•r 24p. statute measure or thereabouts, held free of rent for ever. LOT 3—Those other Fields of Freehold Land, situate in Newbuildings aforesaid and containing 2a Or 2p, statute measure or thereabouts, also held free of rent for ever.
Lot I—This Farm on which Mr. Daniel Coulter at present resides, is considered one of the best Holdings for ..either cropping or grazing in the whole district. There is a splendid Two- storey Slated House on it in excellent repair, which contains 2 Sitting Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, Kitchen, Pantry and Scullery. The Office-houses are: Stables for 2 horses, Byre for 4 Cows (all slated); Barn, Piggery, Hayshed and Fowl Houses. There is a Pump in the yard which never fails. This Holding is situated quite convenient to the town A portion of this Lot is Let to the Tennis Club at a rent of £3 yearly.
Lot 2—This is without exception the best field of land in the neighbourhood of Cookstown. It is situated parallel to the Molesworth Road. The town water is laid on to this field. LOT 3—These are also two splendid Fields of Land and are situate convenient to Lot 2 adjoining the first Railway Bridge. Special attention is directed to this Important Sale, as the entire Lots are situate so close to the town that most cd the produce could be disposed of on the Holding. TERMS :-25 per cent. Deposit on each Lot. together with 2 1/2 per cent Auction Fees. Remainder on getting possession.
For further Particulars and Conditions of Sale apply to S. J. MILLAR, Solicitor, haying Carriage of Sale; or to JOSEPH ALLEN. Auctioneer and Cattle Salesman, Cookstown
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(Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 20 June 1936
Early Sunday morning the death of Mrs Coulter took place. She had not enjoyed good health tor some time and had reached good old age. During her declining years she had the constant attention of her devoted family, who did all their power to comfort llu beloved mother, and who now mourn her passing away Her place ill vacant in the home and her elieerv voice w ill heard no more, but ll.v have the con-o!nt:on of knowing she at rest and tree Horn pain She had spent her life in the service of her home and her children rise up and call her blessed. She was of a quiet gentle nature, beloved by all her friends and neighbours, whom she 1 was true* friend The very large concourse ol people of all classes who followed her remains Tuesday afternoon to their lasting resting place, beside her husband. in the Cookstown Cemetery bore ample testimony the esteem in which she had been held The service in the home and at the graveside was conducted her devoted pastor, the Rev hn Entrican. B.A . who made special reference to the long life now closed
The chief mourners were: —Robert Coulter. Daniel Coulter. John Coulter, James Coulter (sons); Hugh Trimble. Edwin (sons-in-law); Jim Coulter. Dennis Coulter, Ross Coulter. Tom Coulter, Jack Coulter. Bob Coulter, George Coulter. Robert Trimble, George Trimble (grandsons); James Irwin. Robert Bell. W. J Watt (nephews); Wm. M’Crca. Robert M’Crea. Alex. M’Crea. W. J. M’Crca (cousins); S. J. Bell. Henry Bell. Robert Bell. Robert Bell (Mulf). Thomas Bell. Leslie 8011, Fred Bell (Moneymore), Alex. Bell. Ross Henderson. Robert Henderson, J. R Coulter. Herbert Brown. Wm. Hewitt. Alex. Hewitt. Samuel Devlin, William Devlin. Clifford Devlin. W. J. Espey, Brice Espey. S. J. Espey. M. Shannon. Tom Stewart. John Henry. William MacKenzie. Henry MacKenzie (relatives).
Wreaths were placed on the grave as follows: loving memory, from her son Dan. Maggie and family.' loving remembrance, from her son John. Edith and family.” In fondest memory, from her son Bcb. James. May and family.' ’’ With love to dear mother, from her devoted daughter Jane. Hugh and family.” " In affectionate and loving memory, from Elizabeth. Edwin and Lily.” The panelled oak coffin, with silver mounting; the motor hearse and carriages were supplied, and all the funeral arrangements carried out, by Messrs. Robert Stcenson & Son. undertakers. Cookstown).

Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 17 October 1942
HOUSE to Let in Townland of Tyresson. Cookstown. Apply to James Coulter, Tyresson

Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 05 April 1947
VERY IMPORTANT Letting of Lands for the Season 1947
We have been instructed by the Reps. of the late ROBERT COULTER to Let by Auction, on THURSDAY, 10th APRIL, 1947, at TWO o'clock p.m. (sharp), commencing at Drummond, the following Two Small Farms in Drummond, containing together 14 Acres.
Drummond Hill, Forty-four Acres.
Purvis's Farm, containing 241 Acres.
William Mann's Farm. containing Forty-four Aces.
All the Lands will be Let, without Reserve, for the Season's Cropping. Cutting and Grazing.

Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 12 January 1918
Grange and Ardvarnish. FARMS OF LAND FOR SALE.
We have received instructions from Mr. James Coulter (consequent on the purchase by him of a larger property) to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, in our Property Mart, Molesworth Street, Cookstown, on SATURDAY. 26th JANUARY. 1915, at 2 o'clock, either together or in /separate Lots, e Farms of Land hereinafter described, i.e..— LOT I—Farm in the Townland at Grange, containing 4a. Ir. 33p., or thereabouts. Statute Measure, with the Dwelling House and Office House thereon held under the Trustees of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Charles King Colhoun, — ;;der YeT;l3, Tenancy. subject to the Yearly Rent of £3 6s 6d. LOT 2—Farm in the Townland of Ardvarnish, containing 13a. 2r. 5p., or thereabouts, Statute Measure. held under RUMP Landlord®, under Yearly Tenancy, subject tb the Yearly Rent of £8 Os Cd. The Residence on Lot No. 1 is situate in the Village of Grange, the Land of both Lots being adjacent to It, Lot 1 quite convenient to the County Road. and Lot 2 adjoining the County Road. All the Land is of the very bast quality, rich, deep, easily laboured, and at present in the highest state. of cultivation. It is well known in the district as producing the heaviest Crops of all kind., including Flax, Oats and Potatoes. There is a good Spring yielding an abundant Water Supply for both Lots. The Dwelling Howe on Lot 1 is a comfortable and commodious Residence substantially built, and well finished, and the Office House affording accommodation for 4 or head of Cattle. On Lot 2 are standing the wane of a Dwelling House , and Office Houses. which at a moderate outlay could be restored. The Auctioneers beg to direct special attention to these two Farms, which owing to the prime quality of the Land, its condition. the class of the Residence on Lot 1, and other circumstances` are amongst the most valuable of their size offered for competition in the district for a long time. Should the Farms not be sold the Lands will be Let for the Season's Cropping and grazing immediately after the close of the bidding, including 3 1/2 Acre Potato Beds, and a quantity of Lea for Oats. TERMS—For Farms, Deposit of 20 per cent. at time of sale. Balance on completion of purchase. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to S. d. MILLAR. Solicitor having Carriage of Sale, Cookstown;


Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 19 August 1911
Messrs. E. M. Allen & Son have sold by private contract 32 acre farm in Clare, the property of Mr. Anderson, Doorless, and occupied by Mr. Hull.
The farm, which is just outside the town boundary, had been advertised for sale by auction or private treaty, and Mr. James Coulter,of Cloghog, purchased privately at £l2OO.
There is a good dwelling-house on the property, which was purchased by Mr. Anderson's father 60 years ago, at £lO5O, and portion of it was acquired for the construction of the Great Northern Railway. It is subject to a fee-farm grant of £ll lh 4d.


Trish Wylie writes:
The 1911 census of Robert Henry Higginson and Minnie (McCoy)Higginson's family. My great grandfather Albert isn't listed because at this point he is in Belfast, working at the bank and living with his McKinley cousins and Edwin has moved to the farm I think went down the Coulter line. Robert and Minnie also had another son, James Gibson Higginson, (named for her sister's husband), who sadly died when he was two.



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